Flourish Market Philly

2227 Grays Ferry Ave Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19146
(609) 290-4031

Meet Allison! She'll give you a hug and your dog a treat, making sure we all feel at home in her beautifully curated gift shop


Meet Allison! Allison is from Long Beach Island, NJ. She went to FIT for Accessories and Design in NYC. She continued working in product development and while in New York she met her husband. For a time, Allison thought they would be in New York forever, but her husband’s career put them on a different path. He was passionate about animals and in 2017 they moved to Philly so he could attend Penn Vet.

They’ve now been in Philly for almost 6 years and this time Allison knows this is their forever home! “Philly opened its arms to us and we have grown in this amazing community with our 15 year old dog and 2 and a half year old son.  We still frequent LBI to be with family and of course the beach!”

Origin Story

Allison had always wanted to do something for herself. Her mother owned a similar shop to Flourish when she was younger.  “I always loved being there, not just for the ice cream across the street, but because I loved what it stood for, my mom is ambitious and has always had an entrepreneurial spirit!”

Ideas would always come to her at odd hours and times in her life that just never felt right. That changed one night when she was sitting in the triangle at Grays Ferry. She saw the for rent sign on the 2227 storefront. “I knew the location would be perfect and for once when the idea came the timing felt right!  My husband was graduating from Penn Vet and I could then turn our families focus on a goal of my own!”

Flourish Market Philly opened its doors on June 4th, 2022. And although technically speaking Allison is the sole proprietor of her shop, she couldn’t have done any of this without her mom by her side!

Roses and Thorns

“As a first time business owner; less than a month in, I have to say, my mom has seamlessly kept me on a good path!  She has helped me steer this ship and I hope she continues so we keep the sails full and the wind at our backs!”

The initial thorn for Allison was finding the time when like so many of us she felt like she had none. The second roadblock was the logistical work of forming a business. All the stuff no one tells you about…getting your ein number and picking the name, which can feel like a daunting task!

 “Finding the right partners, product, and outfitting the shop was a rose!  All that has paid off with the sweetest rose of all, the overwhelming welcome I received from my community on opening weekend!  I truly felt I had created the shop I wanted to have in my neighborhood and happily the community wanted me the same!”

2227 Grays Ferry Ave Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19146
(609) 290-4031

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