Neighborhood Books

1906 South St, Philadelphia, PA 19146
(215) 545-2665

Meet Curtis ! Whether you're looking for a book or a chat he's your guy!


Meet Curtis! Curtis is a Philly man through and though, born and raised in Center City Philadelphia. Though he’s left, first to Boston for college and eventually to LA to pursue a screenwriting career, optioning two scripts, but never had an outright sale. From there he moved to Portland, Maine and opened his first bookstore, which lasted five years. After closing he came back to his hometown and eventually opened Neighborhood Books.

Origin Story

It seemed Curtis was destined to own his own bookshop. His first full time job was at the Book Trader when it was located at 5th and South and was there for six years. Before opening his own shop he worked at three bookstores in Philadelphia, the last of which was in a soul-crushing mall and closed in August of 2012.

Curtis’ father died Christmas 2012, and with a little inheritance from him, and his unemployment running out, he opened Neighborhood Books in April of 2013. Look out for some tote bags to celebrate his 10th anniversary!

Roses and Thorns

I am a sole-proprietor and the shop is an LLC. I love what I do, it’s pretty much all that I’ve done in my adult life. One of the best parts of owning a used bookstore, is that any day can be Christmas, insofar as people bring me boxes of books and like Christmas morning, I have no idea what is in those boxes. I love what I do for a living and appreciate that I get to do it; I have to admit I’m good at it, after 28 years I should be,  and yet I know that I will never know it all when it comes to books, and that keeps me humble and eager to learn.

1906 South St, Philadelphia, PA 19146
(215) 545-2665

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